Time To Think Outside The Bottle
There was a time when it was cool to have bottled water. But, like leisure suits and comb-overs, we’ve realized that there is a better way. There are a lot of issues with bottled water hurting the environment, your wallet, your back (from lifting the bottles) and, and, and well. let’s take a look at some of them:

Bottled Water Costs $400-$1,000 Per Year.
An average business drinks about 8 5-Gallon bottles per month. That can cost almost $1,000 per year! Even homes spend an average of $400 per year. Think of the savings with purifying the water that’s already in your home or office. Here’s another funny thing. The #1 ingredient in soda is….water. Yet, a bottle of water is more expensive than the same sized bottle of soda! That’s just crazy. Just brilliant marketing. Or something.

38 Billion Plastic Water Bottles In Landfills. Every Year.
We are leaving all of those bottles to our children. Only a small percentage of the billions of water bottles that are put in our landfills every year are recycled. The bottles that are left in landfills take 1,000 years to degrade. You’d make the earth so much happier by using a BottleLess water cooler and refilling a sports bottle.

Bottled Water Uses 20 Million Barrels Of Oil.
That’s Just To Make The Bottles! Did you know that the main ingredient in plastic water bottles is oil? The bottled water industry uses 20 million barrels of oil to make plastic water bottles every year. That’s enough energy oil to power 120,000 cars for one year PLUS heat 60,000 homes! This does not include the gas that is wasted delivering those bottles, which brings us to….

1 Million Gallons Of Gas To Deliver
That’s Every Year! It takes 1 million gallons of gas to deliver bottled water in the USA every single year. This is obviously one of the reasons that bottled water is so expensive. More importantly, the carbon emissions from driving all of those miles hurts our plane

Bottled Water Is Just Filtered Tap Water
Even though bottled water advertising often shows beautiful, clear mountain springs, 75% of all bottled water is purified municipal water. A few years ago, Pepsi was required to modify their label to disclose that AquaFina’s “secret source” was actually plain tap water. Coke’s bottled water brand, Dasani, is the same – purified tap water. We’re not saying that the water isn’t good quality. We are saying that, most likely, you’re already drinking purified tap water. Wouldn’t it be better to have your own “bottled water factory” right inside of your cooler?

Not Necessarily As Pure As Advertised
There’s a lot of information about this. Just one example: The National Resources Defense Council conducted a 4-year scientific study of 1,000 brands of bottled water. They found that 1 of 3 brands violated industry standards for chemical or bacterial contaminants! After their findings, they called the report “Pure Drink or Pure Hype”.

BPA In Your Water
You drink bottled water because you want something more pure than tap water, right? Well, the plastic used to make the bottles can contain a chemical called bisphenol A (BPA). The is really bad news. BPA is an endocrine disruptor and, in studies, has been associated with reproductive abnormalities. It has also been linked to ADHD, cancer and heart disease. Water stored in this plastic is likely to contain some amount of BPA.You bought bottled water in the first place because you thought it was more pure! A BottleLess.com cooler’s reservoirs are 100% stainless steel. This is the best material to keep your water pure and cold and free of BPA.
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